Library Shuffle

The last week of finals can be very stressful. Often when a student tries to find a place to study they can feel the stress and tension running through the air. Sometimes the library is so packed you can hardly find a place to sit and think.

I realized that many people do not know that there are several libraries other than Library West on campus where they can study without interruption. Throughout this story I wanted to take a look at the different libraries and study locations in which students could study. Some of the libraries mentioned were; Library West, George A. Smathers Library, Fine Arts Library, and Marston Science Library. I asked several students whom I ran into walking around campus what their favorite place to study was, especially during finals week. Most students had various places they liked to study, some loved Library West for the convenience, and others mention Marston Science Library because of its study rooms and the new renovations. Other students said Fine Arts Library or Smathers because people rarely go there, which means more room and privacy.

Whatever the students preference was, there were many viable options for them to choose from. Each library had a special reason for students to frequent there, which I thought was interesting. To say the least finding students willing to talk to me during finals week was a struggle. Each library that I walked into students were hard at work looking through notes or buried in a book. I was able to talk to a librarian at Marston who talked to me about the influx of students coming to Marston because of the new renovations, which includes a Starbucks on the second floor. I decided to get the librarians account because she has witnessed thousands of students come through the double doors of the library to spend numerous hours studying. She mentioned to me that more students have been filling the library since Summer A, and that she expects more students come fall 2015.

To begin filming I first mapped out which study spots I wanted to go to first. I thought about different angles I could shoot from in order to give the video more depth. I started out getting A-roll of the students and librarian that I interviewed. After, I visited the different libraries to get B-roll footage. This was a little tricky because throughout the week it has been rainy, so I had to find the right time of day to get good lighting. Usually around 1 or 2 p.m. was when the sun would peek out, which meant I had about an hour to get as much footage as possible.

After I obtained the footage I uploaded the photos and video onto my laptop and organized each clip so that when I was ready to place them into Adobe Premiere Pro it would be more comprehensible. After putting my clips together, adding a title sequence and supers, I focused on making the video exciting with some music.

Studying is not the most fun topic, but it’s something college students do on a day to day basis. I believe it is important to highlight areas where students can study and what these places have to offer. My infographic includes all the libraries mentioned in the video, along with facts that may interest students wanting to find a new place to study.

If this is your first year or final semester in college find a comfortable place where you can study, there are more than enough options.

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