Library Shuffle

The last week of finals can be very stressful. Often when a student tries to find a place to study they can feel the stress and tension running through the air. Sometimes the library is so packed you can hardly find a place to sit and think.

I realized that many people do not know that there are several libraries other than Library West on campus where they can study without interruption. Throughout this story I wanted to take a look at the different libraries and study locations in which students could study. Some of the libraries mentioned were; Library West, George A. Smathers Library, Fine Arts Library, and Marston Science Library. I asked several students whom I ran into walking around campus what their favorite place to study was, especially during finals week. Most students had various places they liked to study, some loved Library West for the convenience, and others mention Marston Science Library because of its study rooms and the new renovations. Other students said Fine Arts Library or Smathers because people rarely go there, which means more room and privacy.

Whatever the students preference was, there were many viable options for them to choose from. Each library had a special reason for students to frequent there, which I thought was interesting. To say the least finding students willing to talk to me during finals week was a struggle. Each library that I walked into students were hard at work looking through notes or buried in a book. I was able to talk to a librarian at Marston who talked to me about the influx of students coming to Marston because of the new renovations, which includes a Starbucks on the second floor. I decided to get the librarians account because she has witnessed thousands of students come through the double doors of the library to spend numerous hours studying. She mentioned to me that more students have been filling the library since Summer A, and that she expects more students come fall 2015.

To begin filming I first mapped out which study spots I wanted to go to first. I thought about different angles I could shoot from in order to give the video more depth. I started out getting A-roll of the students and librarian that I interviewed. After, I visited the different libraries to get B-roll footage. This was a little tricky because throughout the week it has been rainy, so I had to find the right time of day to get good lighting. Usually around 1 or 2 p.m. was when the sun would peek out, which meant I had about an hour to get as much footage as possible.

After I obtained the footage I uploaded the photos and video onto my laptop and organized each clip so that when I was ready to place them into Adobe Premiere Pro it would be more comprehensible. After putting my clips together, adding a title sequence and supers, I focused on making the video exciting with some music.

Studying is not the most fun topic, but it’s something college students do on a day to day basis. I believe it is important to highlight areas where students can study and what these places have to offer. My infographic includes all the libraries mentioned in the video, along with facts that may interest students wanting to find a new place to study.

If this is your first year or final semester in college find a comfortable place where you can study, there are more than enough options.

Good Eats!

A trip to Jacksonville, FL held some great surprises. I stumbled upon a little diner that came highly recommended by its patrons, the Metro Diner. This diner specializes in breakfast and lunch. Some of the signature dishes are; chicken and waffles, meatloaf and their biscuits and gravy.

My assignment was to find a story and re-tell it through video. I obtained first-hand accounts from patrons, whom consistently visit the restaurant. I also got an account of the waitress who recommended customer favorites.

I started this project by first observing the restaurant in order to set the scene. I kept an eye out for a waitress that seemed very involved with the customers, and customers who seemed warm and inviting. Anybody that may have been willing to help with this project were greatly appreciated. After scoping out the area, I asked patrons if they would mind sharing their experiences with the Metro Diner. The one guest I went up to was more than willing to give me her experiences with this particular restaurant. After which, I got the accounts of the waitress who suggested different menu items. Most importantly, I caught B-roll footage which I used to help transition the video. The B-roll image was important in order for viewers to see the ambiance of the restaurant.

Overall, this project was interesting and allowed me to capture intimate moments with patrons of the restaurant. Not only did I enjoy the food, but the manager came up to me personally to let me know that I wouldn’t miss out on this experience because the Metro Diner will be arriving to Gainesville, FL in fall 2015.

Sorority Hosts 52nd National Convention Parade

HOUSTON, Texas– Traveling to a new city is always a great adventure. One of the biggest challenges a person in a new city faces is, the “what?” A recent trip to the heart of Houston, Texas revealed some exciting things the city had to offer.

This trip was full of unexpected surprises. One being a cowboy themed parade featuring the historically black sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This past weekend the sorority held its 52nd national convention in Houston. The sorority holds a week-long conference every two years in order to reunite with sorority sisters and also to take part in a week of forums, workshops and concerts to help elevate the sorority into the next year.

“I haven’t missed a national convention in over 20 years,” said Lenda Bentley, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “The events are always exciting and informative, I wouldn’t want to miss out.”

On Friday July 25, the sorority held a parade that wrapped around the downtown area of Houston. The cowgirl themed parade sought to highlight members on the national committee, as well as showcase the talent of children within the community.

Throughout the parade, the audience could enjoy bands from neighboring high schools in Houston. It also featured floats from local businesses like; The Houston Fire Museum. The parade was a great way to enjoy Houston and all of the things the city had to offer.

“People who weren’t even in the sorority were excited to see what all the loud noise was about.” Said Bentley. “We put a great deal of work and planning into our conventions each biennium not only for our members, but to enrich our community around us,” said Bentley.

Writer’s Note: This story was a very fun one to make. While on a trip to Houston I attended a parade held by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In order to create this story I relied heavily on the photos, trying to convey a message. First I tried to set the scene, catching glimpses of the downtown area of Houston, Texas. I also utilized detail within my pictures, capturing small gestures like a wave or a young boy beating a drum. This story will cover an event that was not only entertaining but has a greater message, interconnectedness. Everyone at the parade was connected by the simple fact they were in the same city enjoying an entertaining event. I utilized the rule of thirds in order to make sure my pictures achieved perfect symmetry.

The Many Faces of Student Debt

Designing this particular project was anything but easy. Yet, I found myself enjoying the Adobe Illustrator ride. With all of its’ twists and turns, Adobe Illustrator was a great tool to utilize when creating my infographic. The focus of my infographic was student debt and how it has changed demographics throughout the years. I chose to create data visualization to go along with this data headed by Pew Research because of its pertinence. As a first generation female college undergrad, student loans are something I am all too familiar with. It was interesting to see the amount of students, more specifically women and the alarming rates at which they are incurring student debts. I included some facts about men and their student debt, but chose not to delve into it. I wanted to focus in on women and the different income demographics that borrow.

This infographic includes shapes, graphs, images and text. I did not want to overwhelm the page with heavy numbers and graphs, instead I used vibrant colors and shapes to tell a story. I tried to make my infographic as organized as possible. I did not want the reader to be overwhelmed with clutter. I also kept the text consistent, only using Franklin Gothic Heavy typeface. I utilized the touch-type tool to give the header some flare. Any image used was legally obtained from I also included a source list, where I got all my information from.

In my opinion, this project pushed me to get outside my comfort zone and create an infographic, which I have never done before. Although it was difficult, I learned how to create graphs within Adobe Illustrator as well as how to create shapes through the use of the shape tools. Overall, this project should convey some very interesting facts, hope you enjoy.

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Back to the Basics.

Although I have not been on my blog for a while I do have a bit of a surprise! I am taking a new class and learning some great skills regarding design. As it clearly states in my About Me I love fashion and of course design! I have designed a poster with one of my all time favorite quotes from Tupac Shakur, “A rose that grew from concrete.” Take a look at how I came up with the design and the various things I did to create it. A lot of what I did was trial and error and looking up videos to see how things are done. This is probably not the best design but I am happy with the outcome.

“A rose that grew from concrete… proving nature’s law wrong.”  I chose to design a poster with this particular quote because of the meaning behind it and the significance to my life. The design of this poster is intended to give audience the perception of growth. The first line, “A rose” is bolded in red and designed to be three dimensional. A rose, much like myself is not one-sided, but contains different variations. I chose to utilize Goudy Stout 60 point and then make it 3D because the first two words are a key component of understanding the quote.

In the second line I decided to play with the size and orientation of the words. The words “That grew,” is Showcard Gothic 36 point and is made to look as if it is evolving. The “T” and “G” are elongated in order to give the effect of something actually growing. This was difficult to master, because I had no clue how to use Adobe Illustrator until this class. Yet, with the help of and other online resources I was able to effectively utilize the touch type tool which assisted in applying these effects to the fonts.

The third line, “From concrete” is Myriad Pro 18 point. Here I wanted to make the words look as if they were bleeding onto the surface of the page. I again used the touch type tool to select the anchor of the letter and then dragged it down to give the typeface its effect.

For the color scheme I wanted to create a crisp looking poster. I used tones of gray in order to achieve a dark look. The words alternate between red and black which I believe give the poster the vintage feel of an old tattoo parlor, where the artist mostly used black, gray and hints of red if color were to be added.

Overall, this poster embodies the characteristics of myself. Simplistic, with edgy tones. The gray and black exemplify professionalism and add to the vintage look, while the red serves as classy pop of color.

Let me know what you think!

Say yes to the dress

Yazmeane Watson, 20, third-year criminology major, poses for a professional photo. She is excited to embark on her final year of college. Photo by Bria Wood

Yazmeane Watson, 20, third-year criminology major, poses for a professional photo. She is excited to embark on her final year of college. Photo by Bria Wood

In any setting there is an appropriate attire which a person should adhere to. Whether you are a journalist, stock broker or medical professional, good professional attire is essential. Some things to consider when going on an interview are audience and profession.

In certain fields like communications, professional attire can have a flare. Although you do not want to get too outrageous, you can spice up a dark suit with a red button down or camisole. Jewelry should be kept at a minimum, simple watch and earrings. Don’t forget to wear business flats or pumps, please no club shoes.

For men, a neutral color suit can be dressed up with a nice color shirt, like teal as an homage to Easter. Men, no excessive jewelry. A watch will do the trick. Make sure shoes are polished and the suit has no wrinkles.

For other areas like the medical or business field, there is a little less room for variability. Depending on the job you will know how far you can go with creativity. For men and women I would suggest wearing a dark suit, which can be professional in any field.

Knowing what colors work best for your completion or even if a fitted suit works best for you can really help your persona in the workplace. For those who may not know you, first impressions are everything. Be sure to keep in mind what field you are in so that you can find the best look for yourself.

For more fashion tips on the appropriate business attire go to

The first African -American women attorney general waits in the wings

It has been four months since President Barack Obama nominated Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Lynch is the United States attorney for the Eastern district of New York, she oversees all federal civil investigations for places like Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

Although Lynch is qualified, her nomination did not pass and she has been waiting for the support of Republican senators in order to finally be confirmed. There is speculation that the hold up with her nomination has to deal with a human trafficking bill which Democrats, have been continuously filibustering. Others Republicans fear that Lynch will be a mirror image of Eric Holder, the current attorney general.

Regardless of the Republican view, it begs the question whether there is another reason she has not been nominated. As the first African –American women nominated for attorney general, could race be the real issue?

Some would like to chalk it up to Washington being at its worst, but there could be a racial component involved with this delay in nominations. Many do not want to see a Black woman in such a high position.

Senator Dick Durbin has even made accusations saying that Lynch was receiving different treatment from former nominees because of her race. It remains that Lynch has yet to be nominated, when will her time come?

Hair politics

Bria Wood, third-year, journalism major attends conference. She recently cut off her hair and decided to go natural, she believes it will not effect her professionally.

Bria Wood, third-year, journalism major attends a conference. She recently cut off her hair and decided to go natural, she believes it will not effect her professionally.

In college, most people take the time to experiment different styles with their hair. It is a time of uncertainty and adventure. For those entering into a professional realm it is common to go with a safe hair style.

People who decide to go natural or continue to grow their dreadlocks it is often frowned upon. Some women and men of color are afraid to keep their natural styles and end up conforming to what is deemed appropriate. Recently, the army released its new guidelines stating appropriate hairstyles for women. Twist, cornrows and braids can be up to 1/2 inch diameter. All twist, braids or cornrows should be uniform and follow the same general direction on the scalp. Dreadlocks are still unauthorized within the army.

“It depends on your profession whether or not natural hair is acceptable,” Synclair Henry said, a third- year finance major at the University of Florida. “With finance, people are more conservative and judgmental of those who have dreadlocks or are natural,” Henry said.

Whether one decides to go natural or to wear their hair in a more socially acceptable hair style, one should decide the reasons for wearing their hair a certain way. In some cultures dreadlocks are worn as part of one’s spirituality. An afro is worn in some cases, as reverting back to one’s ancestry.

Find what you believe is acceptable for you and keep your hair well groomed, regardless of the style. Read the link below for more opinions on black hair in the workplace.

Kanye West can’t be stopped

Kanye West, rapper, fashion lover and designer. Although he is eccentric in more ways than one, he is also revered as one of the most innovative designers of his time. Before designing a sneaker with Adidas Originals, West had a deal with Nike designing the widely popular Air Yeezy’s. West had his issues with Nike and decided to take his creative talents elsewhere.

West has now found a home with Adidas. West revealed his collection with Adidas during New York’s fashion week last month. It was a star-studded event, with notable celebrities in attendance, like Jay-Z and Beyonce. The Adidas Yeezy Boost is designed for the everyday person. West wanted to make something that was attainable for anyone, striving to make his fashion more affordable.

At a time when black designers have felt marginalized, West is unafraid to go against the grain. He has publically stated how Nike tried to thwart his efforts to continue to create his Air Yeezy’s. West has carried his vision to Adidas in conjunction with their Adidas Originals collection in order to continue to express his creative work.

The Adidas Yeezy Boost has been sold out since its debut. He has created a frenzy for his designs and continues to impress fashion critics. West seems to always be in the limelight whether it is regarding music, fashion or his personal life. Yet, it is important to understand that Kanye West is apart of a group of black fashion designers that are often marginalized in the big conglomerate called fashion.

To see the collection West designed in tandem with Adidas Originals follow the link below.

Rihanna does Dior!

For 69 years the iconic fashion phenomenon Dior has been the leader in the fashion industry. In an announcement earlier this month, Rihanna pop singer and fashion icon, was named the new face of Dior’s Secret Garden campaign this spring. Yet, it begs the question, what has taken Dior so long to have a person of color as the face of their brand?

It has been a little over six decades and Dior is finally catching up with the times, their first Black superstar to be apart of their iconic campaigns. In an interview with MTV, Rihanna expressed how fantastic the feeling was to be apart of Dior’s new campaign. It was not only an accomplishment for her, but for thousands of black women who aspire to do the same thing.

This is a big step in the right direction for Dior, but there is still a huge problem in the fashion industry. The ratio of people of color compared to that of whites on the runway and designing clothes is significantly low. Some designers turn away black models because one is more than enough in some instances, big name companies are also unwilling to hire up and coming black designers.

It is great to see diversity in various facets, especially in fashion. Rihanna is just one example of a fashion icon breaking down barriers and creating paths for others of color to become the face of brands. It is important to learn about black designers in order to create more diversity in the fashion realm. If you would like to learn more about some of the black designers, here is a link with 25 black designers making waves throughout the fashion industry.