Sorority Hosts 52nd National Convention Parade

HOUSTON, Texas– Traveling to a new city is always a great adventure. One of the biggest challenges a person in a new city faces is, the “what?” A recent trip to the heart of Houston, Texas revealed some exciting things the city had to offer.

This trip was full of unexpected surprises. One being a cowboy themed parade featuring the historically black sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This past weekend the sorority held its 52nd national convention in Houston. The sorority holds a week-long conference every two years in order to reunite with sorority sisters and also to take part in a week of forums, workshops and concerts to help elevate the sorority into the next year.

“I haven’t missed a national convention in over 20 years,” said Lenda Bentley, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “The events are always exciting and informative, I wouldn’t want to miss out.”

On Friday July 25, the sorority held a parade that wrapped around the downtown area of Houston. The cowgirl themed parade sought to highlight members on the national committee, as well as showcase the talent of children within the community.

Throughout the parade, the audience could enjoy bands from neighboring high schools in Houston. It also featured floats from local businesses like; The Houston Fire Museum. The parade was a great way to enjoy Houston and all of the things the city had to offer.

“People who weren’t even in the sorority were excited to see what all the loud noise was about.” Said Bentley. “We put a great deal of work and planning into our conventions each biennium not only for our members, but to enrich our community around us,” said Bentley.

Writer’s Note: This story was a very fun one to make. While on a trip to Houston I attended a parade held by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In order to create this story I relied heavily on the photos, trying to convey a message. First I tried to set the scene, catching glimpses of the downtown area of Houston, Texas. I also utilized detail within my pictures, capturing small gestures like a wave or a young boy beating a drum. This story will cover an event that was not only entertaining but has a greater message, interconnectedness. Everyone at the parade was connected by the simple fact they were in the same city enjoying an entertaining event. I utilized the rule of thirds in order to make sure my pictures achieved perfect symmetry.

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